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A Unix timestamp can be incorporated into logs by adding it as a field in the log message. This can be done by using a logging library or by manually appending the timestamp to the log message.

For example, in Python, the logging library can be used to add a Unix timestamp to logs like this:

import logging
import time

logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
logging.warning('This is a warning message. Epoch timestamp: %s', time.time())

In this example, the format parameter is used to specify the log message format, including the timestamp. The datefmt parameter is used to specify the format of the timestamp.

Alternatively, if logging manually, the timestamp can be appended to the log message like this:

import time

log_message = "This is a log message. Epoch timestamp: " + str(time.time())

Here, the time.time() function is used to generate the Unix timestamp, which is then appended to the log message.