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You can achieve this by adding the UIToolbar to the table view's footer view, which will cause it to appear at the bottom of the table and move up as you scroll down. Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Open your storyboard and select the table view controller with the static cells.
  2. Click on the table view to select it, then go to the Attributes Inspector (the fourth icon from the right in the top panel).
  3. Scroll down to the "Table View" section and expand the "Table View" dropdown.
  4. In the "Table Footer View" dropdown, select "Toolbar".
  5. Click on the newly added toolbar to select it.
  6. In the Attributes Inspector for the toolbar, you can customize its appearance and add any buttons you need.

Now when you run your app and scroll down, the toolbar will stay at the bottom of the screen and move up with the table view.