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You can use a wildcard in your route definition to match all routes within a specific path and then redirect them to a different path while preserving the remainder of the URL using the following code in your router configuration file:

// define the wildcard route to match all routes within /specific-path
router.get('/specific-path/*', function(req, res) {
  // extract the remainder of the URL after /specific-path
  const remainderPath = req.params[0];
  // redirect to the new path with the remainder of the URL appended
  res.redirect('/new-path/' + remainderPath);

This code defines a GET route with a wildcard parameter that matches any route within /specific-path. It then extracts the remainder of the URL after the /specific-path prefix using the req.params[0] notation. Finally, it uses the res.redirect() method to redirect to the new path /new-path/ with the remainder of the URL appended. For example, if the original URL was /specific-path/foo/bar, it would be redirected to /new-path/foo/bar.