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To smoothly move the 'Actions' panel from the bottom of the Card component using React, Ant Design, and CSS, you can use CSS transitions to animate the position change.

Here's an example of how you can achieve it:

  1. Create a CSS class to handle the transition effect:
.actions-panel {
  transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out;
  1. Define a state variable in your React component to track if the actions panel is visible or not:
const [actionsVisible, setActionsVisible] = useState(false);
  1. Add an onClick event handler to the Card component to toggle the actionsVisible state:
<Card onClick={() => setActionsVisible(!actionsVisible)}>
  1. Conditionally apply the CSS class to the actions panel based on the actionsVisible state:
<div className={`actions-panel ${actionsVisible ? 'actions-visible' : ''}`}>
  1. Define another CSS class to adjust the position of the actions panel when it's visible:
.actions-panel.actions-visible {
  transform: translateY(-100%);

This will smoothly animate the actions panel when it slides up from the bottom of the Card component when it is clicked.