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Here are the steps to make a record that has a confidential section:

  1. Create a document or spreadsheet where you can record the information.

  2. Divide the document into two sections: one for public information and one for confidential information.

  3. Label the confidential section clearly with a header such as "Confidential" or "Sensitive Information".

  4. Set up password protection or access restrictions for the confidential section to ensure that only authorized users can access it.

  5. Clearly define who is authorized to access the confidential section and make sure they understand the importance of keeping the information confidential.

  6. Regularly review the access controls and permissions to ensure that only authorized users are accessing the confidential section.

  7. Keep a log of who accesses the confidential section and when for auditing purposes.

By following these steps, you can ensure that sensitive information is protected within your record while still providing access to the information that is safe for public consumption.