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The "undefined array key" error in the mailto function of PHP usually occurs when the index/key specified for an array element is not defined or does not exist. There are a few steps you can take to resolve this error:

  1. Check the spelling of the array index/key: Make sure that the index/key you are using is spelled correctly and matches the name of the array element.
  2. Check the array definition: Ensure that the array definition is correct and that all elements have been defined.
  3. Use an array function to check for the existence of the index/key: You can use the arraykeyexists() function to check if the index/key exists in the array before using it.
  4. Use alternative syntax: Use alternative syntax for accessing array elements such as $array['key'] instead of $array[key].


If you have an array defined as follows:

$myArray = array('name' => 'John', 'age' => 30);

And you try to access an undefined array key like this:

$email = $myArray['email'];

You will get an "undefined array key" error. To resolve this, you can check if the key exists using the arraykeyexists() function like this:

if (arraykeyexists('email', $myArray)) { $email = $myArray['email']; } else { $email = 'n/a'; }

This will prevent the error and provide a default value ('n/a') in case the key is not defined.