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Here's a PowerShell script that can generate the name of the owner of an AD group:

$group = Get-ADGroup $groupName
$ownerDN = $group.Owner
$owner = Get-ADUser $ownerDN -Properties DisplayName
Write-Host "The owner of the group $groupName is:" $owner.DisplayName

This script first sets the variable $groupName to the name of the group you want to find the owner of. It then uses the Get-ADGroup cmdlet to retrieve the group object, which contains the Owner property that holds the distinguished name (DN) of the user who owns the group.

The script then uses the Get-ADUser cmdlet to retrieve the user object with the specified DN, and retrieves the DisplayName property. Finally, it displays the owner's display name using Write-Host.

Note that you may need to modify this script depending on your environment's specific naming conventions and permissions.