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There could be several reasons for the discrepancy between the number of pages indexed and the number of mobile-friendly pages reported on the Google Search Console Mobile Usability report. Here are a few possibilities:

  1. Mobile-friendliness is just one of many factors that Google takes into account when indexing pages. It could be that even though a page is indexed, it doesn't meet all of Google's criteria for mobile-friendliness.

  2. The Mobile Usability report only shows data for pages that have been crawled recently. If a page hasn't been crawled recently, it won't show up on the report even if it is mobile-friendly.

  3. Google may be experiencing technical difficulties or discrepancies in the way it indexes and reports mobile-friendly pages. It's always possible that there's a glitch in the system that's causing the discrepancy.

Overall, it's important to remember that the number of mobile-friendly pages reported on the Google Search Console Mobile Usability report is just one data point to consider when evaluating the mobile-friendliness of your site. Other factors, such as page load speed and mobile user experience, are also important to consider.