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There are several possible reasons why the SKOverlay may not launch the App Store when using UIKit in an App Clip. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issue:

  1. Check if your App Clip supports SKOverlay: Make sure your App Clip is compatible with SKOverlay by checking if it supports the SKOverlaySceneSession. You can do this by adding the following code to your UIViewController:
if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
    if let scene = UIApplication.shared.delegate?.window??.windowScene {
        let _ = SKOverlay.supported()
        let session = SKOverlaySceneSession(scene: scene)
  1. Check if SKOverlay is supported in the user's region: Some regions may not support SKOverlay, so make sure to check if the user's region supports SKOverlay by calling SKOverlay.isSupported().
if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
    if SKOverlay.isSupported() {
        // SKOverlay is supported in user's region
    } else {
        // SKOverlay is not supported in user's region
  1. Check if the App Store is installed on the user's device: SKOverlay requires the App Store app to be installed on the user's device. If the App Store app is not installed, SKOverlay will not launch the App Store. You can check if the App Store app is installed by calling UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL().
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(URL(string: "itms-apps://")!) {
   // App Store is installed
} else {
   // App Store is not installed
  1. Check if the user has restrictions on launching the App Store: Some users may have restrictions on launching the App Store app. You can check if the user has restrictions by calling SKOverlay.appStoreProductViewController(). If the method returns nil, the user may have restrictions.
let productViewController = SKOverlay.appStoreProductViewController()
if productViewController == nil {
   // User has restrictions on launching the App Store app
} else {
   // User can launch the App Store app
  1. Check if there are any errors in the SKOverlay delegate methods: If all of the above steps have been checked and no errors have been found, check if there are any errors in the SKOverlay delegate methods. Make sure to implement the SKOverlayDelegate methods to receive updates on the status of the overlay. You can then use these updates to debug any issues with the SKOverlay.
class ViewController: UIViewController, SKOverlayDelegate {
    func overlay(_ overlay: SKOverlay, didFinishDismissalWith response: SKOverlay.Response) {
        // Debug errors here

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to resolve any issues with SKOverlay in your App Clip.