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To determine the number of unique occurrences that meet two specific requirements, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the requirements: Determine the criteria or conditions that define the specific requirements that need to be met.

  2. Gather the data: Collect the data that includes all occurrences that meet the requirements.

  3. Eliminate duplicates: Remove any duplicates or redundant occurrences from the data set.

  4. Count the number of unique occurrences: Count the remaining occurrences to determine the number of unique instances that meet the specific requirements.

For example, let's say you want to determine the number of unique customers who bought at least three products and spent more than $100 in a specific time period. You would first identify these two requirements or conditions. Then you would gather the data that includes all transactions or orders that meet these requirements. Next, you would eliminate any duplicates or repeat transactions. Finally, you would count the remaining unique transactions to determine the number of unique customers who meet both requirements.