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You can use the JavaScript method split() to divide the text by the pipe symbol and convert it into an array. Then, you can pass this array as a parameter to your JavaScript function. Here's an example:

Assuming you have a string, text, that contains the data separated by pipes:

let text = "John|Doe|32|New York";

You can split this string into an array, like this:

let dataArray = text.split("|");

This would result in an array that looks like this:

["John", "Doe", "32", "New York"]

Now, you can pass this array as a parameter to your JavaScript function like this:

function processUserData(userData) {
  // do something with the userData array


Inside the processUserData() function, you can access the individual pieces of data by using the array index. For example:

function processUserData(userData) {
  let firstName = userData[0];
  let lastName = userData[1];
  let age = userData[2];
  let city = userData[3];

  // do something with the data

This would allow you to access and use the individual pieces of data in the array.