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The process for streaming videos using Flutter's video_player involves the following steps:

  1. Add the video_player package to your project's pubspec.yaml file.
  2. Create an instance of the video_player widget.
  3. Set the video source using the video_player widget's controller property.
  4. Initialize the video by calling the controller's initialize method.
  5. Build the user interface using a combination of widgets such as SizedBox, Center, AspectRatio and VideoPlayer.
  6. Play and pause the video using buttons, which can be implemented using a GestureDetector widget.
  7. Handle errors that may occur during the playback process, such as network errors or unsupported video formats.
  8. Add additional features such as progress tracking, volume control, and speed adjustment by modifying the controller's properties.

The video_player package offers a flexible and straightforward way to stream videos in a Flutter application, making it popular among developers.