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One way to accommodate multiple libraries with distinct dependencies in a Makefile target is to create separate sub-targets for each library and its specific dependencies. Then, use these sub-targets to build the libraries and link them together into the final executable.

For example, consider two libraries, libfoo and libbar, where libfoo depends on libbaz and libbar depends on libqux. Here's an example Makefile target:

all: myprogram

    cd libfoo && $(MAKE)

    cd libbar && $(MAKE)

myprogram: libfoo libbar
    gcc -o myprogram main.c -Llibfoo -Llibbar -lfoo -lbar -lbaz -lqux

This Makefile has three targets: libfoo, libbar, and myprogram. The libfoo and libbar targets build each library separately, using their own dependencies. The myprogram target depends on libfoo and libbar, and links all the libraries together with the main code.

This way, each library can be built with its specific dependencies and the final program can use them all together.