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initial version
  1. Optimize the code: Make sure the code is organized and efficient. You can review the existing code, improve it by removing unnecessary loops, and using async/await for callbacks.
  2. Load the code in the background: If the code is extensive, and you’re loading a lot of things, you can load it in the background while only showing the necessary elements on the screen.
  3. Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network): Using a CDN to load the code will help to reduce the start-up duration. This is because the CDN stores the code at several locations, and when users access it, the code is loaded from the nearest location.
  4. Use local storage: If possible, store the user’s session data locally so that logged-in users do not need to re-authenticate every time they log in.
  5. Use lazy loading: This feature helps to defer the initialization of non-critical assets until they’re needed. The assets will be loaded on-demand only when users interact with them.