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Unfortunately, since you haven't provided any specific Golang code or data to decrypt, it is not possible for me to provide a specific PHP script to perform decryption. However, I can provide you with some general guidance and resources that you can use to build your own PHP script.

  1. Understand the encryption algorithm used in the Golang code: Before you can start translating the Golang code into PHP, you need to understand the encryption algorithm used in the Golang code. This will allow you to replicate the decryption process in your PHP script. You should look for documentation or comments in the Golang code that describe the encryption algorithm or consult with the developer who wrote the code.

  2. Use PHP's built-in encryption functions: PHP has several built-in functions for performing encryption and decryption. These functions include openssldecrypt, mcryptdecrypt, and sodiumcryptosecretbox_open. You should choose the function that matches the encryption algorithm used in the Golang code.

  3. Convert data types: If the Golang code uses data types that are not available in PHP, you may need to convert these data types to PHP equivalents. For example, if the Golang code uses byte arrays, you can convert them to PHP strings using the pack and unpack functions.

  4. Test the PHP script: Once you have translated the Golang code into PHP, you should test the PHP script by decrypting some sample data. You can compare the output of the PHP script with the output of the Golang code to ensure that the decryption is working correctly.


  • PHP encryption functions:
  • Golang encryption package:
  • Golang to PHP converter: