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There can be several reasons why the child template is not being displayed accurately within the parent template in Django. Here are some troubleshooting steps that you can take:

  1. Check for typos: Make sure that you have correctly specified the path to the child template in your parent template. A small typo in the template path can cause significant issues.

  2. Check for syntax errors: Ensure that there are no syntax errors in the child template code. A syntax error in the child template code can cause the template not to load correctly.

  3. Check for indentation: Make sure that the indentation of the child template code is correct. Incorrect indentation may cause the template not to load.

  4. Check for inheritance: Ensure that the child template is actually inheriting from the parent template. You can do this by checking the {% extends %} tag in the child template.

  5. Check for rendering method: Make sure that you have correctly specified the rendering method in your file. The rendering method should have the correct name of the parent template and pass the appropriate context.

If none of the above works, it may be helpful to post your code and error messages in online community forums like StackOverflow or Reddit to get more specific help.