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One way to change data table rows into columns in C# is to use the DataTable class and the LINQ query syntax. Here's an example:

DataTable originalTable = // Populate original table with data
DataTable newTable = new DataTable();

// Add columns to new table

// Use LINQ query to convert rows to columns
var query = from row in originalTable.AsEnumerable()
            group row by 1 into newTableRows
            select newTable.Rows.Add(new object[]
                newTableRows.FirstOrDefault(row => row["ColumnName1"] != null)?["ColumnName1"],
                newTableRows.FirstOrDefault(row => row["ColumnName2"] != null)?["ColumnName2"],
                newTableRows.FirstOrDefault(row => row["ColumnName3"] != null)?["ColumnName3"]

// Resulting data table will have rows turned into columns
DataTable resultTable = newTable;