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  1. Use a lightweight wrapper instead of the complete library: While using react-chartjs-2 and chart.js, you can consider using the lightweight wrapper instead of the complete library. It will reduce the overall bundle size and improve performance.

  2. Optimize chart configuration: Chart configuration plays a vital role in performance. Try to reduce the number of chart-specific options and avoid unnecessary configuration. It can have a significant impact on the rendering process.

  3. Use virtualization techniques: Virtualization is an excellent technique to optimize chart rendering. Virtualization optimizes the rendering of large datasets by rendering only visible elements on the screen.

  4. Use lazy loading: Implement lazy loading techniques to avoid unnecessary rendering of charts. This approach can help the page load much faster and may reduce the memory footprint.

  5. Optimize Data Handling and Parsing: In heavy and complex data-driven applications that use charts, data handling and parsing can create a bottleneck. Optimize the data handling and parsing process by minimizing large data transfers.

  6. Optimize browser performance: Optimize browser performance by reducing the overall size of the charts, and avoid too many styles, fonts, and images. Use modern web technologies such as Webpack, PWA, and CRA to improve browser performance.

  7. Implement memoization: Memoization is an excellent technique to reduce the number of renders that a component undergoes. Using React.memo, you can avoid unnecessary re-renders and improve the application's rendering performance.

  8. Use Server-Side Rendering: For performance and user experience optimization, you can consider using server-side rendering. Server-side rendering offers a faster page load by pre-rendering content on the server-side. This process helps reduce the waiting time for the first-page load and significantly improves the user experience.