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Here are the general steps for replicating the design of WordPress DOM content in Headless Next.js:

  1. Retrieve WordPress content: Use an API like WP Rest API to retrieve the necessary content from WordPress. This can include blog posts, pages, menus, etc.

  2. Create a Next.js project: Create a new Next.js project to host the headless site.

  3. Set up a Headless CMS: Choose a Headless CMS like Strapi, Prismic or Contentful and create API routes in your Next.js project to communicate with it.

  4. Define page templates: Define the page templates that you will need for your headless WordPress site. These templates will map the WordPress content to the relevant components in your Next.js project.

  5. Render WordPress content: Use Next.js to render WordPress content by fetching the data from WordPress through the API, mapping it to the relevant components, and rendering the content on the front-end of your Next.js app.

  6. Apply custom styles: Use CSS and JavaScript to apply the custom styles and interactivity to the WordPress content. You may also use a front-end framework like React to quickly implement these components.

  7. Test and refine: Test your site and refine your designs as needed to ensure that your headless WordPress site functions properly and provides a seamless user experience.