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initial version
  1. Reflection: GraalVM's native-image compiler creates a runtime image by statically analyzing the application's bytecode. Apache Camel heavily depends on dynamic class loading and reflection, which native-image does not support out-of-the-box.

  2. Proxy Support: Apache Camel uses various protocols like HTTP, FTP, and SMTP for communication, where proxy support is crucial. GraalVM's native-image does not support JDK's proxy configuration by default.

  3. Unsupported Libraries: Native-image compiler does not support some of the libraries, which Apache Camel depends on, like Javassist, which is used in Camel's bytecode manipulation.

  4. Native Dependencies: GraalVM native-image depends on the target operating system, and the native libraries required by Apache Camel should be pre-installed, which can get quite demanding when deploying to different operating systems.

  5. Limited Debugging Options: Debugging native images is more complicated than their JVM counterparts, which makes it difficult to identify issues when running Apache Camel's native-image.