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The procedure for using DBT with CockroachDB can be broken down into several steps:

  1. Install DBT: The first step is to install DBT on your machine if you haven't already. DBT can be installed using pip, brew or directly from the DBT website.

  2. Set up CockroachDB: Next, you need to set up a CockroachDB instance. This can be done locally or in the cloud, depending on your preferences.

  3. Configure DBT: Once you have DBT and CockroachDB installed, you'll need to configure DBT to recognize your database. You'll need to specify your CockroachDB server's address, port, and database name.

  4. Write your SQL scripts: You can start writing your SQL scripts in DBT that define the transformations you want to make on your data.

  5. Test your SQL scripts: Before running your SQL scripts, it's a good idea to test them to ensure they're working as expected.

  6. Run your SQL scripts: Finally, you can run your SQL scripts in DBT to apply the transformations to your data in CockroachDB.

By following these steps, you can leverage the power of DBT to simplify your data transformation processes and create a more efficient data pipeline.