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The process for including a new menu link in the sidebar menu of Laravel-Admin involves the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the "app/Admin" directory and open the "routes.php" file.
  2. Add a new route for the menu link using the following syntax:
$router->get('your-link-url', 'YourController@yourMethod')->name('your-link-name');

Replace "your-link-url" with the desired URL for the menu link, "YourController" with the name of your controller, "yourMethod" with the name of the method that will handle the request, and "your-link-name" with the name you want to give to the menu link.

  1. Navigate to the "app/Admin/Controllers" directory and create a new controller, or open an existing one.
  2. Add a new method to the controller that corresponds to the URL you defined in step 2.
  3. Inside the method, return a view that will be displayed when the menu link is clicked, using the following syntax:
return view('your-view-name');

Replace "your-view-name" with the name of the view file you want to display.

  1. Open the "app/Admin/bootstrap.php" file and add a new entry to the "menu" array with the following syntax:
    'text' => 'Your Menu Link Text',
    'url' => route('your-link-name'),

Replace "Your Menu Link Text" with the text you want to display for the menu link, and "your-link-name" with the name you defined in step 2.

  1. Save your changes and refresh your Laravel-Admin dashboard to see the new menu link in the sidebar.