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initial version
  1. Naming conflicts: If the dynamically generated route names conflicts with existing route names, it can lead to unexpected results such as overwritten routes, ambiguous routes or errors.

  2. Length of the route: If the route generated through dynamic routes become too long, it may be difficult for Express to handle it efficiently or can cause issues with memory management.

  3. Syntax errors: If there are errors in the code syntax when generating the dynamic routes, it can cause Express to crash, or cause errors that affect other routes.

  4. Security: Dynamic routes can pose security risks, for instance, if a user can manipulate the URL structure, they may be able to access sensitive data or perform unintended actions.

  5. Performance: Dynamically generated routes may not be optimized for efficiency, which can cause issues with performance, leading to slow response times, latency or even crashes.

  6. Lack of testing: Failure to test dynamic routes thoroughly can result in errors that can cause the routing system to fail, leading to broken links or server crashes.