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There are multiple ways to make text move on the screen, depending on the context and the desired effect. Here are a few options:

  1. Animation software: You can use dedicated animation software such as Adobe After Effects, Blender, or Animaker to create text animations. These tools offer various preset animation templates or manual options to customize the animation properties, including movement, rotation, scaling, and timing.

  2. CSS animations: If you're working on a web project, you can use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) animations to add movement to your text. You can define the animation properties using CSS rules such as "animation-name," "animation-duration," "animation-delay," "animation-iteration-count," and "animation-timing-function."

  3. JavaScript and JQuery: For more advanced interactive animations or dynamic effects, you can use JavaScript and JQuery libraries to control the text movement. You can set up event triggers, such as mouse clicks or scrolling, and change the CSS properties or the inner HTML of the text elements accordingly.

  4. Video editing software: If you're creating a video project, you can use video editing software such as Adobe Premiere, iMovie, or Final Cut Pro to add text movement. You can apply keyframes to the text properties and animate them along with the video footage.