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There could be various reasons for the failure of React Js server startup, some of the common ones are:

  1. Incorrect or missing dependencies: Ensure all the required dependencies are installed correctly and up-to-date.

  2. Incorrect configuration: Check the configuration files and make sure all the details are correct and properly organized.

  3. Port already in use: When the port on which your server is running is already in use, the server fails to start.

  4. Networking issues: Firewalls or antivirus software can sometimes block network connections, preventing the server from starting.

  5. Syntax errors: Incorrect syntax in the code can cause unexpected errors, leading to server startup failure.

  6. Incompatible versions: Ensure that all the modules and libraries you are using are compatible with the version of React Js you are using.

  7. Memory issues: If the code requires too much memory, it can cause the server to fail at startup.

  8. Operating system limitations: Some operating systems have limitations that can cause React Js server startup failure.

It's important to carefully diagnose the error messages to figure out the exact reason behind the failure.