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You can get the PHP code for inline translation in Google Translate by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Translation API documentation:

  2. Scroll down to the section titled "Translating Text (Basic)".

  3. Follow the steps listed there to set up your project and credentials.

  4. Once you have set up your project and credentials, use the following PHP code to translate text inline:

function translate_text($text, $target_language) {
    $projectId = '[YOUR_PROJECT_ID]';
    $targetLanguage = $target_language;

    // Instantiates a client
    $translate = new Google\Cloud\Translate\V2\TranslateClient([
        'projectId' => $projectId

    // Translates some text into target language
    $translation = $translate->translate($text, [
        'target' => $targetLanguage

    return $translation['text'];
  1. Replace [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] with your actual project ID.

  2. Call the translate_text function with the text you want to translate and the target language code (e.g. "es" for Spanish).

Note: You will need to have the Google Cloud PHP SDK installed and configured to use this code.