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There are several reasons why a Scratch Cloud Variable may fail to update:

  1. Poor internet connection: If your internet connection is weak, it may affect the ability of Scratch to update the cloud variable.

  2. Code errors: Check your code for any bugs, mistakes or syntax errors that may be preventing the variable from being updated.

  3. Privacy settings: If the variable is set to private or restricted, it may not be able to update properly.

  4. High traffic: If there is a lot of activity on the Scratch website, the cloud variable may not be updated in real-time.

  5. Incorrect variable name: Ensure that you're referring to the correct variable name while trying to update it.

  6. System maintenance: The Scratch website undergoes system maintenance from time to time, which may affect the update of cloud variables, so try again later.

To fix the issue, double-check your code, switch to a stronger network, set the variable to "public," check your internet speed, or wait for the Scratch website to undergo maintenance.