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To continue playing audio even after exiting a WebView on Android, you can use the MediaPlayer class along with a Service or a Foreground Service. Here are the general steps you can follow:

  1. Create a MediaPlayer object to play the audio file.

  2. Create a Service or a Foreground Service to host the MediaPlayer object. A Service is a background task that runs independently of the activity or UI, while a Foreground Service is a special type of Service that displays a persistent notification to the user, indicating that the service is running.

  3. Start the Service or the Foreground Service and bind the MediaPlayer object to it.

  4. In the WebView, when the user navigates away from the page containing the audio file, send a command to the Service or the Foreground Service to start or resume playing the audio file.

  5. When the user returns to the WebView, send a command to pause or stop the audio file, and unbind the MediaPlayer object from the Service or the Foreground Service.

By using a Service or a Foreground Service to host the MediaPlayer object, you can ensure that the audio playback continues uninterrupted even when the user navigates away from the WebView.