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Here are the steps to debug Python 2.7 code using VS Code:

  1. Install the Python extension for VS Code.
  2. Open your Python 2.7 project in VS Code.
  3. In VS Code, open the Debug panel by going to View > Debug or pressing Ctrl + Shift + D.
  4. Click on the gear icon to create a new launch configuration.
  5. Choose the Python debug configuration.
  6. Update the launch configuration with the appropriate file name and path.
  7. Add any command-line arguments to the launch configuration.
  8. Set any environment variables necessary for your project.
  9. Set any breakpoints in your code by clicking on the line number in the editor.
  10. Start the debugger by clicking on the green play button in the Debug panel or pressing F5.
  11. The debugger will stop at the first breakpoint, and you can use the debugging tools to interactively step through your code.
  12. You can watch variables, evaluate expressions, and change the execution flow of your program using the debugger controls.

That is how you can debug Python 2.7 code using VS Code.