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You can generate tkinter buttons using a function by following these steps:

  1. Import tkinter library: import tkinter as tk
  2. Define a function that creates a button:
def create_button(text, command):
    button = tk.Button(text=text, command=command)
    return button
  1. In the main program, call this function by passing the text and command parameters:
button1 = create_button("Button 1", command1)
button2 = create_button("Button 2", command2)
  1. Pack the buttons onto the root window:
  1. Run the mainloop() method to display the window:

Here, the create_button function takes in a text and a command parameter to create a button with the specified text and command function. The buttons are then created by calling this function and passing the text and command for each button. Finally, the buttons are packed onto the root window and the mainloop() method runs to display the window.