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To map a composite key in Hibernate using a combination of one joinColumn and one direct query, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Define the composite key class, which will contain the fields that make up the composite key.

  2. Annotate the entity class with @Embeddable to indicate that it contains a composite key.

  3. Define the entity class, and use @EmbeddedId to annotate the field that represents the composite key.

  4. Annotate the field(s) that make up the composite key with @Column, specifying the field name and any relevant constraints.

  5. Define the relationship between the entity class and any related entity classes. Use @ManyToOne or @OneToOne to define a many-to-one or one-to-one relationship, respectively.

  6. Use the @JoinColumn annotation to specify the join column, which is the column in the table that contains the foreign key to the related entity.

  7. Use a HQL query or a Criteria query to load the related entity.

  8. Use the composite key class to set the value of the join column and any other fields that make up the composite key.

  9. Persist the entity using Hibernate's session.


@Entity @Table(name = "table_name") public class MyEntity {

@EmbeddedId private MyEntityId id;

@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn(name = "relatedentityid", referencedColumnName = "id") private RelatedEntity relatedEntity;

// other fields and methods


@Embeddable public class MyEntityId implements Serializable {

@Column(name = "field_one", nullable = false) private String fieldOne;

@Column(name = "field_two", nullable = false) private String fieldTwo;

// getters and setters


Using the above approach, Hibernate will automatically map the composite key using the specified join column and any other fields that make up the composite key.