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Python package is an umbrella term and there are several packages that come with preloaded datasets. Some examples include:

  1. Scikit-learn: Scikit-learn package comes with a few datasets, such as the iris and digits datasets, that are commonly used for classification tasks.

  2. Seaborn: Seaborn package comes with several datasets, such as ‘tips’ dataset, which is commonly used for creating visualizations.

  3. Statsmodels: Statsmodels package includes several datasets, such as ‘longley’ and ‘macrodata’ datasets, which are commonly used in econometrics.

  4. TensorFlow: TensorFlow package includes several datasets, such as the MNIST dataset, which is commonly used for image classification tasks.

  5. Pandas: Pandas package can read and write from variety of file formats and some datasets are included like ‘titanic’, ‘iris’ and ‘diamonds’ datasets.

  6. Keras: Keras package includes several datasets, such as the ‘CIFAR-10’ and ‘CIFAR-100’ datasets, which are commonly used for image classification tasks.

Overall, the datasets that come with these packages are meant for practice, testing, and learning purposes.