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To overcome the issue of being unable to convert a String into a timestamp format in Athena, you can try the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the input format of the string is correct. You may have to check the format of the string and compare it with the expected format for a timestamp in Athena.

  2. Use the CAST or DATE_FORMAT function in Athena to convert the string to a timestamp format. For example, you can use the following query to convert a string to a timestamp format:

    SELECT CAST('2022-09-28 07:50:00' AS TIMESTAMP) as my_timestamp;

  3. If the string format is not recognized by Athena, you can use the REGEXP_REPLACE function to remove any unwanted characters or spaces from the string before converting it to a timestamp format.

    For example, you can use the following query to remove the space between the date and time in a string before converting it to a timestamp format:

    SELECT CAST(REGEXPREPLACE('2022-09-28 07:50:00', ' ', 'T') AS TIMESTAMP) as mytimestamp;

By using the above steps, you can overcome the issue of being unable to convert a String into a timestamp format in Athena.