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Package path resolution in a system with multiple primary functions at varying levels of hierarchy can be achieved using the following approaches:

  1. Namespaces: You can use namespaces to group related primary functions together and avoid naming collisions. This allows you to specify the package path using the namespace and the specific primary function name. For example, if you had two primary functions, "funcA" and "funcB" at different levels, you could use the following paths: "mynamespace.packageA.funcA" and "mynamespace.packageB.funcB".

  2. Explicit path specification: If your primary functions are not grouped into namespaces, you can use an explicit path specification for each function. This involves specifying the full path to the function, including each package name and its level in the hierarchy. For example, you could use the following paths: "rootpackage.level1.packageA.level2.funcA" and "rootpackage.level1.packageB.funcB".

  3. Alias import: You can use an alias import to shorten the path to a primary function. This involves importing a package with a shorter name and using the alias to reference the primary function. For example, you could import "mynamespace.packageA.funcA" as "A" and "mynamespace.packageB.funcB" as "B". Then, you can use the aliases "A" and "B" to reference the primary functions.

  4. Package hierarchy restructuring: If the above methods do not work, you can consider restructuring your package hierarchy to better group related primary functions together. This allows you to use namespaces and explicit path specifications more effectively.