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To extend the time in the pomodoro app using the JavaScript "+10 seconds" button, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add an event listener to the button that will trigger a function when the button is clicked.

  2. In the function, get the current time value from the pomodoro timer.

  3. Add 10 seconds to the current time value.

  4. Update the pomodoro timer with the new time value.

Here is an example code snippet of how it can be implemented:

const pomodoroTimer = document.getElementById('pomodoro-timer');
const addSecondsBtn = document.getElementById('add-10-seconds');

addSecondsBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
  // Get current time value
  let currentTime = parseInt(pomodoroTimer.textContent);

  // Add 10 seconds to current time
  currentTime += 10;

  // Update pomodoro timer with new time value
  pomodoroTimer.textContent = currentTime;

Note: This is just an example and will require customization based on the specific pomodoro app and its code structure.