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The process of cherry-picking specific lines from another branch typically involve the following steps:

  1. Identify the source branch: Identify which branch has the lines you want to cherry-pick. This can be done using various Git commands such as git branch or git log.

  2. Create a new branch: Create a new branch from the target branch where you want the cherry-picked lines to be added. This can be done using the git branch command.

  3. Retrieve the commit hash: Identify the commit hash that contains the lines you want to cherry-pick. This can be done using Git commands such as git log or git show.

  4. Cherry-pick the lines: Use the git cherry-pick command with the commit hash to copy the specific lines from the source branch to the target branch.

  5. Resolve conflicts: If there are any conflicts between the cherry-picked lines and existing code in the target branch, resolve them manually.

  6. Commit the changes: Once all the conflicts have been resolved, commit the changes to the target branch using git commit.

  7. Clean up: Delete the source branch if it's no longer needed using the git branch -d command.