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To return an array of its own type through a method in Swift, you can use the built-in generic type system.

Here's an example:

class MyClass {
    var id: Int

    init(id: Int) { = id

    func createArray(count: Int) -> [MyClass] {
        var array = [MyClass]()
        for i in 0..<count {
            let obj = MyClass(id: i)
        return array

let myObj = MyClass(id: 1)
let myArray = myObj.createArray(count: 3)

print(myArray) // output: [MyClass(id: 0), MyClass(id: 1), MyClass(id: 2)]

In this example, createArray method creates an array of MyClass instances based on the count parameter passed in. The method returns an array of the same type as MyClass.

To achieve this result, we have created an empty array of type [MyClass] at the beginning of the method. Inside the for loop, we create new instances of MyClass and append them to the array. Finally, we return the array from the method.