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There are a few different methods for obtaining the most recently updated value in a foreign key table in SQL Server, depending on the specific setup and requirements. Here are a few possible options:

  1. Use a timestamp or datetime column: If the foreign key table includes a column that tracks the datetime or timestamp of each row's latest update, you can use a simple SQL query to retrieve the latest value. For example, if the timestamp column is called "last_updated," you could use the following query:
FROM foreign_key_table
WHERE last_updated = (SELECT MAX(last_updated) FROM foreign_key_table)

This query will return all rows from the foreign key table that have the latest value in the "last_updated" column.

  1. Join with the primary key table: If the foreign key table includes a column that links it to a primary key table (i.e. the foreign key column), you can join the two tables and use the "ORDER BY" clause to retrieve the latest updated row. For example, if the foreign key column is called "fkcolumn" and the primary key table is called "primarykey_table," you could use the following query:
FROM foreign_key_table
INNER JOIN primary_key_table ON foreign_key_table.fk_column = primary_key_table.primary_key_column
ORDER BY foreign_key_table.last_updated DESC

This query will return the latest updated row from the foreign key table that has a matching row in the primary key table, sorted by the "last_updated" column in descending order.

  1. Use a trigger: If you need to track the latest updated value in real-time and have it available without running a query, you can create a trigger on the foreign key table that updates a separate table or variable with the latest value whenever a row is updated. For example, you could create a separate table called "latest_updates" with a single row that tracks the latest updated value:
CREATE TABLE latest_updates (
  latest_value INT NOT NULL

Then, you could create a trigger on the foreign key table that updates this table whenever a row is updated:

CREATE TRIGGER update_latest_value
ON foreign_key_table
  UPDATE latest_updates
  SET latest_value = (SELECT TOP 1 foreign_key_column FROM foreign_key_table ORDER BY last_updated DESC)

This trigger will update the "latestupdates" table with the latest value from the foreign key table whenever a row is updated, allowing you to retrieve the latest value by querying the "latestupdates" table. Note that this method may have performance implications if the foreign key table is frequently updated, so use with caution.