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There might be various reasons why your app is not being added to the admin section in Django even though has been used. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. The app is not included in the INSTALLED_APPS list in the file.
  2. The model is not properly defined or registered.
  3. There could be syntax errors, such as missing or extra commas, quotes, or parentheses, in the registration code.
  4. Another app might be overriding the registration of your app's models.
  5. The app's models might be conflicting with the models of another app.
  6. The file might not be placed in the right directory, or the filename might be incorrect.

To troubleshoot this issue, you can check your Django logs to look for any error messages related to the admin section or registration. You might also want to double-check your code and make sure everything is properly defined and registered.