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To import a CSV file with semicolons as delimiters from S3 to a RDS Postgres database, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new RDS Postgres instance and note the endpoint, username, password, and database name.

  2. Upload the CSV file to an S3 bucket.

  3. Open pgAdmin or any other PostgreSQL management tool and connect to the Postgres database.

  4. Create a new table in the database that matches the structure of the CSV file.

  5. In pgAdmin, right-click on the table and select "Import/Export."

  6. In the "Data Copy" dialog box, select "Import," and then select "From file."

  7. In the "Filename" field, enter the S3 URL of the CSV file.

  8. In the "Format" field, select "CSV."

  9. In the "Delimiter" field, enter a semicolon.

  10. In the "Options" field, enter the S3 access key and secret key.

  11. Click "OK" to begin the import process. It may take some time depending on the size of the CSV file.

  12. Once the import is complete, you should see the data in the table in pgAdmin.