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Yes, a list of installed Perl packages can be transferred to another machine and designated for installation in ActiveState's ActivePerl software using the following steps:

  1. On the original machine, open a command prompt or terminal and run the following command to generate a list of installed Perl modules:

    perl -MExtUtils::Installed -e "print join \"\n\", ExtUtils::Installed->new()->modules()" > perl_modules.txt

    This will save a list of installed Perl modules to a file called perl_modules.txt.

  2. Transfer the perl_modules.txt file to the new machine.

  3. On the new machine, open a command prompt or terminal and run the following command to install the Perl modules:

    perl -MCPAN -e 'install < perl_modules.txt'

    This will install all the modules listed in the perl_modules.txt file.

Note that some modules may require additional dependencies or configuration, and may not be compatible with a different version of Perl or operating system. It is recommended to test the installed modules on the new machine to ensure they are working as expected.