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The solution for resolving the error message unknown variable 'sql-mode=ANSI' depends on the specific scenario where the error occurs. However, here are some possible solutions:

  1. Check the MySQL configuration file: The error message may indicate that the sql-mode=ANSI variable is not recognized by MySQL. Therefore, you should check the MySQL configuration file (my.cnf or my.ini) and remove or comment out the line that contains the sql-mode=ANSI declaration. Alternatively, you can replace it with a recognized value such as STRICT_TRANS_TABLES.

  2. Upgrade or reinstall the MySQL server: If the error message persists even after modifying the configuration file, it could be an issue with the MySQL version or installation. In this case, you can try upgrading to a newer version of MySQL or reinstalling the server from scratch.

  3. Check the application code or queries: Sometimes, the error message may not be caused by the MySQL server itself, but by the application code or queries that interact with the database. Therefore, you should review the code or queries and ensure that they are compatible with the MySQL version and configuration.

  4. Search online resources: If none of the above solutions works, you can search online forums, FAQs, and documentation related to MySQL and the specific error message. You may find a solution that matches your scenario or a workaround that helps you overcome the issue.