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The reason for the association not functioning in FactoryBot and requiring a value could be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. The association is not defined correctly in the model. The model might be missing the necessary belongs_to or has_many association, or the foreign key might not be specified correctly.

  2. The association requires a value because it is marked as validates_presence_of in the model. This means that FactoryBot will not create a record without a valid value for this association.

  3. The association is not being correctly assigned in the factory. The factory might be missing the necessary code to create the associated record or might not be correctly assigning the foreign key.

To resolve this issue, you should verify that the association is defined correctly in the model and that it is being correctly assigned in the factory. You should also check if any validations are present in the model that might be requiring a value for this association.