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initial version
  1. Open PowerShell on your local machine and login to your Azure account using the command "Connect-AzAccount".
  2. Check if the Azure Active Directory PowerShell module is installed by running the command "Get-Module -Name AzureAD" or install it using the command "Install-Module -Name AzureAD".
  3. Create a new Azure Function in your Azure portal and select PowerShell as the runtime.
  4. Open the function in the Azure portal and go the "Integrate" tab. Add a new input binding of type "HTTP trigger" and configure it.
  5. Go to the "Code" tab and add a new PowerShell file with the name "run.ps1". This file will contain the code to install AzureAD.
  6. Inside the "run.ps1" file, use the command "Import-Module AzureAD" to load the Azure Active Directory PowerShell module.
  7. Call the command "Install-Module AzureAD" to install the module within the function.
  8. Save and publish the function to Azure.
  9. Test the function by making an HTTP request to trigger it and verify that AzureAD is installed by running a command that depends on the module.