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The process for using a module to include a new block in the navigation of Prestashop is as follows:

  1. Choosing a module: First, choose a module that can add new blocks to the navigation. Some popular options include the blockcategories, blockcms, and blockmanufacturer modules.

  2. Installing the module: After choosing a module, install it through the Prestashop backoffice. Go to modules and services, locate the chosen module, and click on install.

  3. Configuring the module: Once the module is installed, configure it according to your needs. This can involve setting up the new block's title, description, and link.

  4. Adding the block to the navigation: After configuring the module, add the new block to the navigation menu. Go to the "Position" tab on the backoffice's homepage, locate the new block, and drag it to the desired position in the navigation menu.

  5. Saving the changes: Finally, click on the "Save" or "Save and Close" button to save the changes made to the navigation menu.

After following these steps, users will be able to see the new block in the navigation menu of Prestashop.