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There are a few steps you can take to resolve HttpClient authorization issues when using a Bearer Token:

  1. Check the validity of the token: Ensure that the token you are using is valid and has not expired. If the token has expired, you may need to obtain a new one from the authentication server.

  2. Check the authorization scope: Ensure that the scope of the token includes the necessary permissions to access the resource you are trying to access. If the scope does not allow access to the resource, you will need to obtain a new token with the appropriate scope.

  3. Check the request headers: Ensure that the request headers include the Authorization header with the Bearer Token. If the Authorization header is missing or contains an incorrect value, the server will reject the request.

  4. Verify the endpoint: Verify that the endpoint you are trying to access is configured to accept Bearer Tokens for authorization. Some endpoints may require a different form of authentication or authorization.

  5. Check for network issues: Ensure that there are no network issues that could be preventing the token from being sent or received. This could include firewalls, proxies, or other network configuration issues.