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To stream and access attachments for an HIKVISION ANPR camera using Python, you can use the following steps:

  1. Install the Hikvision API package for Python: You can install the Hikvision API package by using pip or by downloading it from the GitHub repository.

  2. Configure the ANPR camera: You can configure the ANPR camera by setting up the IP address and other parameters.

  3. Stream the video from the camera: You can use the Hikvision API to stream the video from the camera in real-time.

  4. Access the attachments from the camera: You can use the Hikvision API to access the attachments, such as images and videos, from the camera.

Example code for streaming and accessing attachments from an HIKVISION ANPR camera using Python:

from hikvisionapi import Client
from io import BytesIO
from PIL import Image

# Set up the camera
hik_cam = Client('http://<camera_ip:port>', 'username', 'password')

# Stream the video from the camera
stream = BytesIO(hik_cam.Streaming.channels[0].picture(raw=True).content)

# Access the image from the stream
image =

# Access the attachments from the camera
attachments = hik_cam.Event.notification.snapshot_url('<camera_event_id>')

# Download the attachment
attachment_data = hik_cam.download_file(attachments[0])

Note: Replace <camera_ip:port>, username, password, and <camera_event_id> with the appropriate values.