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To add labels for the difference in a two-sided lollipop chart, follow these steps:

  1. Calculate the difference between the two data sets. If the data is in percentage terms, you can calculate the percentage difference by subtracting one percentage from the other and dividing by the average of the two percentages. If the data is in absolute terms, simply subtract one value from the other.

  2. Create a new column in your data set to hold the calculated difference.

  3. Create a two-sided lollipop chart using your data with the difference column.

  4. Add data labels to the chart. In Excel, right-click on one of the data points and select "Add Data Labels." The data labels will appear next to each lollipop.

  5. Format the data labels to show the difference column. In Excel, select the data labels and go to the "Label Options" tab. Choose "Value from Cells" and select the column with the difference values.

  6. Format the data labels to show either absolute or percentage terms. In Excel, select the data labels and go to the "Number" tab. Choose "Custom" and enter the desired format for the data labels (for example, "0.0%" for percentage terms or "$0" for absolute terms).

  7. Move the data labels to the appropriate side of the chart. In Excel, select the data labels and use the arrow keys to move them to the left or right side of the chart as needed.