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To restrict the CheckBox checking capability in Blazor, you can handle the ValueChanged event and check whether the CheckBox should be allowed to change its value. Here's an example:

  1. Create a bool canCheck property in your component, which will determine whether the CheckBox can be checked or not:
public bool canCheck = true;
  1. Add a CheckBox to your component and handle its ValueChanged event:
<input type="checkbox" @bind="isChecked" @onchange="OnCheckedChanged" disabled="@(!canCheck)" />

@code {
    bool isChecked;

    void OnCheckedChanged(ChangeEventArgs e)
        if (!canCheck)
            isChecked = false;
            isChecked = (bool)e.Value;
  1. In the OnCheckedChanged method, check whether canCheck is true or false. If it's false, set the isChecked value to false as well.
void OnCheckedChanged(ChangeEventArgs e)
    if (!canCheck)
        isChecked = false;
        isChecked = (bool)e.Value;
  1. You can then set the canCheck property to false whenever you want to disable the CheckBox's checking capability:
public void DisableChecking()
    canCheck = false;

With this approach, you can easily control whether the CheckBox can be checked or not in your Blazor component.