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There could be several reasons why Lucene.NET is returning incorrect documents after updating a document, including:

  1. The index may not have been refreshed after the update. Lucene.NET uses an in-memory cache to optimize search queries, so changes to the index may not be immediately visible unless the cache is cleared or refreshed.

  2. The update may not have been committed to the index. Lucene.NET uses a transactional model where updates are added to an in-memory transactional buffer before being committed to the main index. If the update is not committed, it will not be available in search queries.

  3. The query may not be correctly formulated. If the query is not correctly constructed, it may return incorrect or unexpected results.

  4. The documents may not have been properly indexed in the first place. If documents were not properly indexed or if the index was not configured correctly, queries may return incorrect or incomplete results.

To resolve these issues, make sure that the index is refreshed and that updates are properly committed after they are made. Double-check queries to make sure they are correctly formulated and that the index was properly configured during indexing. If issues persist, it may be necessary to debug the index or seek additional support.